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Health Insurance

Personal Health Insurance Benefits for Small Business Owners

All the talk about health care is good because it's important. I doubt that the government will find a better way, however, getting people to think about their current situation is nice. People get in the mind set that health insurance is all the same. NOT TRUE! Did you know that there are health insurance plans in the marketplace that are designed specifically for small businesses? Whether you are a small business owner, or self employed, your risk is greater than usual. We know that a health insurance policy will cover YOU in the event of an accident or illness, but, what about your business?

Most small businesses are just one accident or illness away from closing the doors. As a business owner, you need more protection! Insurance is about one thing: Protection. Are you and your business protected? Will your business survive if something happens to you? As a small business owner, these are the questions that keep me up at night. Having a custom-built plan is good for business...Your business. Have you noticed that there has been no mention about benefits for small busineses? The only thing I heard is that "group coverage" requirements may change, but nothing about specific benefits for us. I help people improve their situation every day, and it seems that no one knew that there were products and services available like these until they heard it from me. A better way is out there, you just have to know where to look.

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About the Author

Doug Lewin, Lewin Insurance Advisors
4651 Salisbury Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32256

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